Thursday, August 30, 2007

What I'm Doing at Work Today

The image came out fuzzier than I'd prefer, but hopefully you can read the CAPTAIN PLANEEEET!!! up top there. That's right, I'm posting fake resumes onto My job kicks ass.

What doesn't kick ass is Carlos Zambrano getting paid $91.5 million--a slightly larger contract than what Ichiro has (and mark my words, Ichiro is worth every penny of his)--to do a job you or I could probably do just as well at the moment. 6-1 Brewers over Cubs, Sheets over Big Z. Time to hustle, chum.

Thankfully college football starts tomorrow, and I'll have all sorts of updates on the ND/OSU openers and what's going on with the Big Ten Network. An early note however, to Time Warner in Columbus: DO NOT GIVE IN. BTN IS EVIL. That is all.

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